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Report: Putting animal welfare principles and 3Rs into action – 2012 Update
Camille De Rede January 22nd, 2014 No Comments
Putting animal welfare principles and 3Rs into action
European Pharmaceutical Industry Report 2012 Update
Beyond Compliance:
- How do we ensure that animal welfare standards and practices are put into action throughout the sector both in our industry and among the laboratory and research community more broadly?
- How do we make sure that global regulations reflect 3Rs strategies?
- What internal and external industry initiatives facilitate the implementation of training programmes on animal welfare and care?
- How do scientific advances help progressing 3Rs and Welfare? *New
Leading by Example:
- How do we share and encourage good practices based on 3R principles across the pharmaceutical industry?
- How do we stimulate putting into practice global animal welfare standards?
- What is being done to rapidly implement and enforce across Europe the revised European Directive 2010/63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes?
- Are companies independently assessed on how animal welfare standards are applied?
Committing to Open Communication:
- How do we contribute to an open and constructive dialogue on animal welfare?
- How is industry communicating the progress made with animal welfare activities, specifically the 3Rs?
Finding cures for modern diseases
July 26th, 2011 No Comments
Is there a cut-off point when we stop researching a particular disease? Simon Festing former Director General from Understanding Animal Research, explains the ongoing evolution of medical research and the societal drive for cures to modern diseases.
What’s your view?